Dr. Kaveh Alizadeh

In a world obsessed with physical beauty, the plastic surgery industry is booming. But where some surgeons simply nip and tuck the skin, Dr. Kaveh Alizadeh also looks to improve the structure and strength of the bones and muscles underneath for a more natural, integrated look that lasts.

Looking below the surface is kind of how Alizadeh operates, even in the way he donates his time. Where some surgeons generously donate their skills, Alizadeh also looks to improve the structure and strength of the local medical communities for, well, a more integrated change that lasts.

The result is Mission: Restore, a new kind of surgical non-profit focusing on more impactful change through education.

Alizadeh is passionate about Mission: Restore. When he recently spoke at the YPO Global Leadership Conference in Cape Town, South Africa, he described what it was like to be a child living in the chaos of war-torn Iran. With his father arrested and imprisoned as the country became embroiled in the 1979 Islamic Revolution, young Alizadeh was naturally confused and scared.

All he wanted was to have his father released, for his family to live in peace, and to play with his friends again. But in order to survive, he and his parents were forced to escape their country. While Iran writhed in the agony of political upheaval, they made it to the U.S. as political refugees. Tragically, his two uncles were not as fortunate.

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