Raquel Miller

Starting a new business venture is rarely easy. Making one successful during a pandemic lockdown requires savvy pivoting talent and nimble action.

That’s exactly what Raquel Miller did when Covid-19 hit. Bunchful, her fledgling corporate gifting platform, offers individuals and companies the ability to personalize and send meaningful gifts to clients, employees, and others. Miller started Bunchful in 2018, after studying philosophy at Queens College and working in financial underwriting and technology at companies like Bear Stearns and Heartland.

Bunchful’s “smart gift” technology was just taking off in early 2020 when suddenly, the last problem companies had was choosing gifts for their employee and clients. The lockdown’s paralyzing effect on supply chains also had a devastating effect.

But Raquel Miller isn’t one to give up – and she’s been a keen observer of people, communities, and entrepreneurial opportunities since she was a child growing up in Jamaica.

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